With a couple of tournaments approaching, many of you have been asking about the best methods for building a mallet. While there is no ‘ultimate’ solution, there have been plenty of new and lighter methods of attaching a mallet head to a shaft in the recent months. First up, here’s a pretty good video put together by some guys from Lancaster United Bike Polo. I’ve been using this method for a while now and its amazing. The only downside is that the nut is not a standard piece that can be found at your local hardware store (although it can be bought on the fixcraft site). I normally substitute this nut with a plastic ramset plug (normally for use in a brick wall) which still work reasonably well. Check out the video below, and head over to a great written summary is found on the 321polo.net blog.
There are plenty of other systems out there, including the traditional and simple long side screw or bolt method. If you can’t be bothered to build one, there are plenty of little companies putting together kits or new systems made to be easily replaced on the fly.
Instead of randomly cutting the taper, drop the nut in place first and then cut an inch away from that..? Use a drill bit that’s 2mm smaller than the pole so it’s super snug. The teeth should be as large as possible, slightly ovalising your pole will also help with avoiding any slippage in the future.
Hey – thanks for the compliment. So far Horse has noticed a little bit of shifting on the mallet with this set-up, but he just gives it a quick tightening and everything is good again. Best of luck in your tourneys.